The District's treated water is lead-free when it leaves our treatment plant and Ute Water has never used lead service lines in our distribution system. Since the District's Rules and Regulations deem the pipe, line, or conduit that transports water from the District's system to an individual house, structure, or parcel as the customer's responsibility, the District has not kept records of the materials used for the privately-owned portion of the water service line. The customer's service line is typically from the water meter to the first point of connection inside the home.
The revisions to the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for lead and copper under the Safe Drinking Water Act require that Ute Water maintain an inventory the pipe material for each service connection in the District.
Ute Water is asking for customers' help in updating our records so that we can implement the Lead Reduction Program as efficiently as possible.
To determine what the pipe material is entering your home use the diagrams below to compare your line to the common water line methods used by builders and developers. Then, send us a photo of the first point of connection entering your home via email. Please include your name, service address, and current phone number.
How to find, identify, and submit your service line:
Step 1: Locate your service line
Most homes in the area have a basement, crawl space, or slab foundation. To help us verify our system as lead-free, we need a photo of the first point of connection entering your home. It will likely have a main-water shut off valve nearby. Take a photo to attach to an email to send us and help us verify our system as lead-free!
Step 2: Identify pipe material
Scratch Test:
Use the flat edge of a screwdriver to scratch through any paint or corrosion that may have built up on the pipe. If the scraped area is copper in color, like a penny, the line is copper. Take a photo of the pipe to submit to Ute Water below.
Step 3: Record your results
Please attach photos of where your service line enters your home, also referred to as the first connection. Water lines connect to the home's plumbing in the basement, crawlspace, or garage.
In the body of the email, please include:
Service Address
Current Phone Number