The District requires the installation of a Backflow Prevention Device (BFPD) on all new service connections or any existing service connection when, in the opinion of the District, service connection poses a threat to the District's water supply from backflow. A "BFPD" is a device that acts as a check valve, preventing water that has entered your individual service line from backflowing into the District's distribution system. A "Cross Connection" is a physical connection through which a supply of potable water could be contaminated or polluted.
Pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Colorado Department of Public Health, and Article 11.39 of the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations, it is the regulatory responsibility of the District to:
Identify potential hazardous service connections
Require the installation of containment devices on identified health hazard service connections, with approved BFPD's
Inspect and approve the installation of all BFPD's so required
Require the testing and maintenance as necessary upon installation, and at least annually thereafter, of all District required BFPD's by certified cross-connection control technicians
Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention shall be implemented and administered in accordance with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) "Backflow Prevention Reference Manual." This manual is on file and may be reviewed at the District's office. The District requires that all BFPD's be tested by a certified technician once a year.